Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday Frivolity (sorry I missed last week!)

Pirate Wife Swap?!? Why do I think most of my friends wouldn't have had any problems there? ;)

Ah, those wacky French! This actually made Aaryk go 'Oooh!' Now he wants to fly model airplanes too!

A dream come true

And now for something completely different (Well no, not really)

Quiz time!

You scored as Freyja. You are Freyja! You are a the mother of Baldr, and the most loving and compassionate God. You are very spiritiual and caring.













Which Norse God Are You?
created with

You are a

Social Moderate
(55% permissive)

and an...

Economic Conservative
(66% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test


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Thursday, September 28, 2006

On self cesorship and fear

What an interesting world we live in. On the one hand, you have the uproar over the clsoing of an opera in Germany that used the beheaded heads of religious leaders including Mohammad (see Tallguy and PARADOSIS for more.)

On the other hand we have Banned Books Week with Judy Blume saying-

“[I]t's not just the books under fire now that worry me. It is the books that will never be written. The books that will never be read. And all due to the fear of censorship. As always, young readers will be the real losers.”

Thanks to Mysanal for the link.

It's just an interesting dichotomy.

I wonder if the ALA will be willing to stand up against the nearly certain influx of Islamic based book complaints the way they do to Christians and others....


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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Note to myself

The Faith Club

This looked interesting, and I'm posting it here so I'll remember to come back and read more about it.

Your input is of course, always welcome too!


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Supporting the Troops

The Indepundit way!

A friend of one of my liberal friends snarked recently about what supporting the troops really means. It IS more than magnetic ribbons.

It's being there for them, however you can. It's a free meal to honor their service and sacrifice (Even at the Italian and Thai embassies!), it's listening to their stories about the war and their recoveries, their hopes and plans for the future. It's honoring not only what they have done, but what they will do.

That not the only way to support them of course. Making sure that the Democrats don't have a chance to cut funding for their mission is also important.

But there are a thousand little ways we each can support the troops. Will you do me a favor? This week, find just one small way to support our servicemen, and do it. It can be a prayer, a card, a small donation to any of the groups that do care packages, visit your VA hospital, the list could go on.

I'm off this morning to sit in a waiting room while my husband has oral surgery and then drive him home and put him to bed. That's how I"m supporting the troops today. Your prayers for an easy surgery and quick, painless recovery would be most appreciated!


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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Arrgh! (and NOT the pirate kind!)

Want to know what the Democrats will do if they take over Congress and the President doesn't bow to their demands and pull our troops out of Iraq?


I know, not a big surprise, we've known that was their thinking, but now they are actually saying it- Anxious Dems eye power of the purse on Iraq (It takes FOREVER to patient, go get a drink, play a game of Alchemy, fix a snack...that should be long enough!)

Charlie Rangel at least is being up front about it-

Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) will chair the powerful Ways and Means Committee if Democrats win control of the House next year, but his main goal in 2007 does not fall within his panel’s jurisdiction.

“I can’t stop this war,” a frustrated Rangel said in a recent interview, reiterating his vow to retire from Congress if Democrats fall short of a majority in the House.

But when pressed on how he could stop the war even if Democrats control the House during the last years of President Bush’s second term, Rangel paused before saying, “You’ve got to be able to pay for the war, don’t you?”

And Woolsey is willing to do to Iraq what was done to Vietnam-

“Personally, I wouldn’t spend another dime [on the war,]” said Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.).

Woolsey is among the Democrats in Congress who are hoping to control the power of the purse in 2007 to force an end to the war. Woolsey and some of her colleagues note that Congress helped force the end of Vietnam War by refusing to pay for it.

Make no mistake, even the Dems in Congress who don't want to cut ALL spending are willing to sacrifice our men and women and the Iraqi people to make their point-

Some Democratic legislators want to halt funding for the war immediately, while others say they would allocate money for activities such as reconstruction, setting up international security forces, and the ultimate withdrawal of U.S. troops.

How about funding for body armor, vehicles, ammo, and such? Somehow, I don't think such things are covered under the umbrella of 'reconstruction'. If this atrocity occurs, will my liberal friends be screaming as loudly as they did when they thought the Republicans weren't funding body armor to their satisfaction? (Never mind the fact that many of the TROOPS didn't want more armor, it just slowed them down!)

Then there's this gem-

Having lost the last two elections in part because of national security issues, Democratic leaders have been reluctant to spell out their exact Iraq war funding strategy.

“I don’t think the Democratic leadership should put that out at the moment,” Woolsey said.

Because they STILL don't HAVE a strategy! Good frickin' grief people!

As a military spouse, this bit absolutely terrifies me-

Abercrombie stressed that Democrats are not going to sever funding for the troops. Cutting off funding is “easy to say and another thing to do,” according to Abercrombie.

What’s more like likely, he said, is to fund the conflict in a way that will end the war by reallocating money to new initiatives.

End the war by allocating the money elsewhere? What is that other than taking money meant for the things soldiers need and spending it on something else?

Let me be clear about this. If the Democrats win the House this fall, they WILL take money OUR TROOPS NEED and spend it somewhere else. That's money for vehicles, equipment, guns, ammunition, helmets, body armor, computers, communications equipment, and so on. Cutting spending on the War means cutting spending on our troops.

This means that MORE MEN WILL DIE. Men, like those in my husband's unit who have VOLUNTEERED to go to Iraq, WILL DIE. Make no mistake about that.

I haven't even covered what will happen to the Iraqi people were this to occur. Terrorists will be all the more emboldened and scores more Iraqis will die as a result.

Yeah, this one has me riled. When people do things that put my husband's LIFE in danger, it tenda to make me angry.


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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Arrgh! ;)

It be National Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Have some fun with this little quiz!

My pirate name is:

Captain Anne Kidd

Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from
part of the network


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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Here we go again

While some on the Left quake in fear of 'Radical Christian Fundementalists' and 'Christian Dominionists' what's happening in reality is quite different.

We're still having to fight school districts to allow students their 1st Amendment rights. This commentary lists just a couple of recent cases-

First Amendment Follies

This is ridiculous. Every single year we have to fight the same battles over and over, and yet the secularists complain when we make a big deal over Christmas. Well, maybe we wouldn't if we weren't constantly being bombarded with nonsense like this. They worry about Christians wanting to take over the country, while we're just fighting to be allowed to SAY that we're Christians in public!

The First Amendment was put in place in part to keep government out of establishing an official religion, NOT to keep personal expressions of religion out of government institutions like schools.

And yes, I believe that goes for ALL expressions of religion, Christian or not. Just this week we finally saw a happy ending to the widow who fought to have a Wiccan symbol put on her husband's grave marker in a military cemetery.

Wiccan sign allowed on Soldier's Plaque


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Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday Frivolity

Just some links to some fun stuff today kids. I've been helping Project 2,996 out with gathering the permalinks for all the tributes and haven't had time to do much else.

Unusual puzzle

Sling silly game!

And lastly...


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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Things that make me go hmmmm...

and then reach for the knitting needles!

Knitted Star Wars Wigs

Because, yes, I *AM that geeky!

UPDATE- and I found the pattern here!


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This is just keen!

Yeah, it's basically an ad, but look out future, here we come!


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A sleeping pill is waking up people in persistant vegatative states!


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Monday, September 11, 2006

Col. Ronald F. Golinski (Ret.) Tribute

(also being bumped to the top through 9/11, scroll down for more from today.)

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I told Dale of the 2,996 Project that I would be willing to make another tribute if needed, since as he was going through the nearly 3,000 blogs some of the links were broken.

I was given the name of Col. Ronald F. Golinski (RET) of Columbia Maryland. This one seems fitting, seeing as how we are a military family, and at the time of the attacks in 2001, we were living in Maryland.

Col. Golinski was a civilian employee at the Pentagon when it was hit. He’d held many positions during his 36-year Army career, including director of the Enlisted Personnel Management Directorate at the Army Reserve Personnel Command in St. Louis, MO. His awards include the Legion of Merit and the Meritorious Service Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters. After his retirement in 1996, he worked as a civilian in the office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel.

Col. Golinski was survived by his wife of 23 years, Irene, daughters Marcellia, Amanda, and Sara, two step-children; Paula and David, and Three daughters by a previous marriage, Christine, Dawn and Michelle, his mother Marion and two brothers and two sisters.

Reading the various tributes and memorials to this man, it’s easy to see how much he was loved by everyone around him. He was an avid golfer, loved his cats Sylvester and Crackers, and according to his coworkers, he was a hard worker with an unmatched sense of humor. For this tribute, I thought I’d let those who knew Col. Golinski tell you how they felt about him-

“He lived and breathed golf; he just loved it. He played every Saturday and Sunday, and any other time he could, with a whole group of friends at the Fort George G. Meade Golf Course. For his birthdays, we always tried to get him cards related to golf and even golf birthday cakes. It was definitely his passion. That and cats. He loved cats.” ~his wife Irene

“He was my father and I can say that he was the BEST man I ever knew and I will never forget him. He kept us together through the hard time, he was a great mentor for me and I miss him greatly. It seems he was taken to early from my life but I know that he was meant to leave me when he did and it was an honor by far for me to know him as long as I did. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers they are much appreciated and he will never be forgotten in the hearts that knew him...I miss you daddy!!!!” ~his daughter Amanda

“Ron was my step father, and to me, he was my dad. He was the man that provided guidance, comfort, and security. He was a great father, leader, and role model. He did not deserve to be taken the way he was. He had so many goals and dreams yet to satisfy. He was giving and kind. He was funny and serious. Amanda said it best; he was the leader of our family. I have been on my own for many years, but when he died it was though part of my security was gone. I miss him and listening to him and learning something new each time. I miss seeing his approving smile when he thought I was doing O.K. We are thankful for the time we had with him, and realize how much we would have cherished just one more day. Our love and prayers are with you always. We will remember who you were and what you gave to allow us the opportunity of a productive, happy, fulfilled life. Thank you for everything.” ~his daughter Paula

His daughter Sara was the first to post in his guest book. It was important to her for people to know her Dad’s full title, especially since, at the time, they hadn’t identified his remains. Unfortunately, Col. Golinski’s remains were among those that were not able to be identified. He has a plaque at Arlington National Cemetery.

His daughter Marcellia wrote this for the guestbook-
A Fathers touch, A Daddy's kiss,
Grieving Daughters, You're greatly missed.

An empty house, An empty chair,
A fathers love, No longer there.

A broken heart, Tear filled eye,
Another soul to fill the sky.

Many memories in my mind,
Some I laugh, Some I cry.

The times we shared, The laughs we had,
Things I miss when I think of you Dad.

Realizing that's all I have to hold on too,
Only memories, Of what once was you.

Missing your laugh, I will never again hear.
That is the reality that fills me with so much fear.

No more smile on your face,
No more warmth of your embrace.

The last hug, The last kiss,
The last "goodbye" leaves me with one last wish...

To have you Dad, here today,
Never to leave your Daughters this way.

A Father's touch, A Daddy's kiss,
Grieving Daughters, YOU'RE GREATLY MISSED! I miss you so much dad, sometimes it's hard to breath. It feels like my heart is being push so tightly together .I love you!!
"Daddy's little Girl" Marcellia Mary Dennis Golinski-Potler

And finally, from his granddaughter Angelica~
Ron was my grandpa. I had no clue until my great grandma Mickey died and we went to her funeral. I met this whole other side of my family. When I started to talk with my great aunt she told me the truth. This whole time I thought he was my distant uncle. I have no memory of ever meeting him. Although from what I hear he is a great guy. Now I wish I did know him. My brothers and I inherited some of his traits though. Dylan Has a great humor, C.J. loves to play golf, I love cats I even have my own, and Quinn is to little to tell. Hope and Love,
P.S. I really wish I knew him.

I too, wish I’d had the chance to know him. Golinski family, know that you are in our prayers.

Defend America
Guest Book

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Dominick Calia Tribute

(This entry will be bumped to the top through Monday, 9/11)
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In preparing this memorial tribute, one thing I noticed as I searched for more information was just how many people left comments about Dominick at the various memorial sites I visited. This was a man who was loved by many and is missed by even more.

Dominick would have been 45 this year, only a couple of years older than me. He was a municipal band broker and worked for Cantor Fitzgerald. After seeing a photo of him, I can imagine him in his daily work routine, easy going, hard working, with a ready smile and genuine affection for those around him. He had worked for Cantor Fitzgerald for eight years, and his wife Janet recalled, "He hardly ever missed a day of work, he hardly ever called in sick. He just loved doing what he did."

But work was NOT the most important aspect of Dominick’s life.

Devoted husband and father of three, his life was centered on his family. Between coaching little league for his son and running between multiple soccer practices and games for his daughters, he gave each of his children individual attention. "He managed to give each child an individual amount of time," Janet Calia recalled of her husband. "He felt sports gives children confidence, camaraderie and teaches them to play as a team." He also recognized the importance of spending individual time with just his wife. On the weekend before he died, after coaching little league on Friday, the kids went to spend the night with their grandparents and Dominick took Janet to Cape May and Atlantic City. After spending the first night alone together in quite some time, they came back home on Saturday for back-to-back soccer games for the girls.

Dominick children are now 17, 14, and 12 and I wonder how they will be remembering their dad this year. Even though he’s not here to see his eldest daughter graduate from high school, or his son become a teenager, I hope and believe that they do have many wonderful memories of their dad. After he died, his son, Dominick Richard Calia, wanted to change his middle name so he can be Dominick Jr. "My son is 7 years old," Janet Calia said at the time. "I tell him, `The seven years you had with dad is a lifetime, and some people don't even get that. It's the quality, not the quantity, that counts.' "

When I read that they held a memorial at St. Thomas More Roman Catholic Church in Manalapan for Dominick, I knew why this man had been chosen for me to memorialize. While I never knew Dominick in this life, as a Catholic I know that we are part of the same family. I know that Dominick is still a part of his family’s life through his prayers and intercessions for them. He is still at every game, every event, and while not in the way I’m sure his family would prefer, I hope they know how very much he IS still with them all.

Thank you Dominick Calia, for the example you gave us in your life, and please pray for us now, that more fathers and families will follow your example.

Click 'Read More' for more information-


9-11 Heroes

In Memoriam

United in Memory


Please be sure to read some of the other tributes as well, you can find them all here-

2,996 Project


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Other tributes not to miss

These are some from my friends, my blogroll, folks who's blogs I read regularly, and some who've linked to their tributes in my comments. I'll be updating it throughout the day tomorrow. Go check them out-

Barrington Young
David Reed-Gamboa
Peter Craig Alderman
Rocco Medaglia
Christopher Paul Slattery
WIlliam McGinn
Celeste Torres-Victoria
John T Gnazzo
Wayne White


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Link to the other tributes

2,996 Project Tributes

Here's a link to the other tributes. Seems we are rapidly exceeding bandwidth at the original site, and even at a couple of the mirror sites.

Please take a moment and check out a couple of the other tributes.


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2,996 made Yahoo news!

2,996 Project

How cool is that?


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Where was I?

In talking about modern American History people will ask you (depending on your age)~

Where were you when Pearl Harbor was bombed?

What were you doing when President Kennedy was assassinated?

And for my generation,

Where were you on 9/11?

My story below the cut
I was home in Glen Burnie Maryland, painting miniatures. That's what I did for a living at that time. My husband, Aaryk had taken the day off and was painting with me. We had sent our son Brian off to school and were listening to something on a CD.

I got a phone call from my Dad. His voice was a little shaky, and I thought, "Oh no, who died?!" But he just wanted to make sure we were alright. I assured him we were and asked, "Why?" He said, "They've bombed the Pentagon and the World Trade Center." At that point I reassured him of our safety, hung up and went to tell Aaryk. It didn't make sense, those two places were hundreds of miles apart, he said.

I quickly found a news station on the radio and we got the whole picture. I was riveted to the radio (we didn't get TV reception there). I heard the newscasters gasp as the towers fell, trying desperately to picture what was happening. I remember wanting to go get Brian from school, but Aaryk telling me he was safe there and it would be a zoo trying to get to him (as many other parents were thinking the same thing). I waited, I paced, I listened, I prayed. I got no more painting done that day. I got online briefly to let friends and family know that we were all okay. We had a dial-up connection and had been asked to keep the phone lines clear, so I couldn't even get my news and pictures there.

Brian got home at the usual time and I remember giving him a hug like never before. Aaryk and I went out to the ABC store that evening and they had a little TV on. That was the first video footage I saw of the attack. I stood there and watched as they showed the attacks and the collapse and the wreckage over and over again. Aaryk finally said, "Enough" and made me leave.

It was a week or so later that we finally felt comfortable using the phone lines for any length, and so I began collecting images on my computer, of the attack, the aftermath, the memorials. I had the radio on constantly, not wanting to miss anything else that was going on. It was my way of dealing with it.

I also got heavily involved in emergency preparedness. I had our emergency box in the car, bottled water stored under the sink, and duffel bags ready with clothes, important papers, and such. I prepared two little phone books, one for me and one for Brian that had all the numbers for friends and family. We had a plan on what to do and who to call if we had to evacuate and were separated. I made sure he kept it in his school backpack along with some extra money. Only then was I really able to get on with other parts of my life.

You have to remember that we were just south of Baltimore, While not like living in NYC, we were close enough to DC to feel like we were in the middle of everything. Especially with the anthrax scares that followed. I was certain that we'd only seen the beginning and the other shoe would drop any day. I'm not sure my Phoenix friends really understood how badly it affected me, being so close to it all. These days, I have my emergency plans, and can quickly gather up things to leave if I have to, but I don't keep a supply of bottled water under the sink, or non-perishable food in the trunk.

I will never forget what I was doing that day, how it changed mej, how it changed everything.

I can forgive, but I will NEVER forget.


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Friday, September 08, 2006

Friday Frivolity

My Live Journal has a cool picture collage of some of my interests, it was fun to put together!

I'm not really in a frivolous mood today though. I'm working on my tribute for Dominick Calia for the 2,996 project. I didn't think it would be so dificult a thing to write! Trying to say somthing meaningful and heart-felt about a person you didn't know is a bit daunting. I do hope to have it up in the next day or so. We were encouraged to get them up early if we could.

Look for mine tomorrow.


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I gotta agree with Michelle on this one

Compare and Contrast

Take a look at how bloggers are remembering 9/11.

Now, I know that not ALL of the 2,996 project bloggers are on the Right, but I'd bet you that the VAST majority of us are.

Take a look for yourself on that one. Me, I'm just glad I'm on the side of doing something positive here.


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The Path to 9/11 and Freedom of Speech

I've been listening to the bruhaha over ABC's The Path to 9/11. When the Clintons and their folk started protesting it, I remembered a similar tussle regarding the Reagan miniseries a couple of years back but couldn't remember the outcome.

Thankfully, Captain Ed has a much better memory than me-
Captain's Quarters

In short, when Republicans were upset over inacuracies in the Reagan miniseries, we protested to the network. They had the balls to stand by their work, but moved it off network TV and aired it on Showtime.

When Democrats get upset over inaccuracies in the 9/11 miniseries, they protest, get ABC to make some minor editorial changes, and when still not happy the Dems in Congress threaten to pull ABC's liscense.

So much for free speech.

But go read the whole thing over at CQ.

UDATED- Of course, Jay Tea over at Wizbang has a great piece on this too- The cure is worse than the disease

UPDATE 2- How could I forget Texas Rainmaker? Trust a lawyer to take this one apart piece by piece! The Cover-up COntinues

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Steve Irwin

I think this is the nicest tribute I've seen for the man.

An interesting day at the Rainbow Bridge-

Disclaimer: I didn't write "The Rainbow Bridge", and I don't presume to be on par with that. But this came to mind this afternoon while thinking about Steve Irwin. I know it's sappy...I don't particularly care.

Rainbow Bridge is a place of both peace and anticipation as departed pets await their beloved owners. There are plenty of things to keep them contented while they wait: trees you can't get stuck in, endless meadows, splashing streams, thickets perfect to hide in for pounce-attack games.

But one day the residents noticed some rather...unusual newcomers arrive.

The koalas and the kangaroos slipped in rather quietly, but then came the bearded dragons, the skinks and the goannas. The influx of snakes startled an entire family of cats up a tree. Pythons, cobras, tiger snakes, brown snakes and even fierce snakes. There were so many at one point, it seemed the ground itself was alive with writhing. A burly wombat shouldered his way through the crowd and plopped down in a shady spot, barely missing a Jack Russell terrier who yapped indignantly as he abandoned his position.

And then the crocodiles showed up.

Finally, a Great Dane managed to get up enough nerve to approach one of the reptillian giants.

"Um....excuse me," he said hesitantly. "But why are you all here?"

The croc dropped her jaw and laughed. "Same as you, mate," she said. "Waitin' for someone who loved us."

The dogs, cats, gerbils and other "typical pets" looked at each other in confusion, then at the plethora of weird, ugly and downright deadly creatures assembled. Who on Earth could possibly love some of those faces?

"I see him!" shouted a green mamba from his vantage point in one of the trees. A cacophony of squeeks, hisses, bellows and roars erupted as the mob surged forward toward a lone human walking across the field toward the bridge. The other animals managed to catch a glimpse of him before he was overwhelmed by the crowd.

"CRIKEY!" he shouted joyously right before he was bowled over by the wombat.

"Well I'll be," said a Persian as she tidied up her fur. "It's that Aussie my human liked to watch on TV. Had to be the craziest human on the whole planet."

"Oh, please," remarked a echidna as he hurried by. "Is it really that that crazy to passionately love something God made?"

Yeah, that pretty much says it all, doesn't it.


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Friday, September 01, 2006

Friday Frivolity...

The CHOCOLATE Edition!

I've signed up over at Nestle's site to help promote their new baking chocolate (and get FREE samples!).

If you click here- CHOCOLATE!!

you can read more about it, and sign up youself if you want to get some free chocolate!
(Yes, there's more, just go on and click it already!)

You Are Dave Matthews Band Magic Brownies Ice Cream

Not *those* magic brownies!

You Are a Boston Creme Donut

You have a tough exterior. No one wants to mess with you.
But on the inside, you're a total pushover and completely soft.
You're a traditionalist, and you don't change easily.
You're likely to eat the same doughnut every morning, and pout if it's sold out.

Ok, enough Chocolate for one week! (yes, I actually just wrote that!) ;)

I recently stumbled onto the hierarchy of Geekdom chart again, and thought I'd share. So...just where do YOU fall on the food chain?


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