Saturday, January 20, 2007

Broken Record

I know I've blogged a number of times about how the Democrats in Congress would love to cut the funding for our troops. While I was looking for the wording of the non-binding resolution Hugh Hewitt talks about here, I came across this from Joe Biden.

From his website's blog-

The resolutions also would help Democrats measure GOP support for more aggressive legislative tactics, such as cutting off funds for the war.

So now we see the REAL reason for this resolution. It's not just to embarrass the President or voice opposition to the war, it's to test the waters to see how committed the Republicans are to keep funding the war effort!

PLEASE, go to the Hewitt link above and write or call the Republican Senators in question (and ANY of the Democrat ones) and tell them to knock off the propaganda and quit playing with the lives of our servicemen!

I've got my letter finished, but I have to check and make sure that I'm not stepping over any lines with OpSec or other protocols before I send it. I'll be posting it here when I send it.



At January 22, 2007 11:28 PM, Blogger Alicia said...

I saw this yesterday--and read the articles thoroughly; they definitely made me think. So, the Democrats are attempting to cut funding, and a few Republican senators are proposing a compromise (does that mean some funding cuts?), which isn't a good idea--did I get that right? I'd look forward to seeing your letter; it would give me an idea of the shape of our argument why this isn't a good idea. I'd be glad to write too, once I understand what to say.


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